"A Network of Centers (NoC) Event"

International Summer School on AI

on the trail of human rights,
democracy and the rule of law

Organized by Bilgi IT Law Institute & KUIS AI

2 August - 30 September 2021
Online Event

The future of AI practice has arrived.
Are you prepared for it?

The rapid development and adoption of AI have on many occasions been at the cost of human rights, democratic processes, vulnerable communities, and societal and environmental well-being. Accordingly, governments, international organizations such as the European Union and the Council of Europe, civil society, and even companies are increasingly calling for AI regulation as opposed to “ethical” AI governance. These regulatory developments mainly revolve around two fundamental notions: human rights and democratic institutions. Given this trajectory of regulation, future AI professionals must be prepared to ensure that AI technologies respect and promote human rights, democracy, and rule of law. The international summer school on AI aims to provide this essential toolkit to those involved in the design, development or use of AI in a multidisciplinary way.

Aim: The summer school aims to familiarize participants with the risks posed by AI and ultimately, how human rights can be respected and promoted in the design, development, and use of AI. By bringing together a diverse cohort of speakers and participants, the summer school will be a step towards bridging the gap between technical and non-technical people working on AI.

Audience: Junior researchers, professionals, policymakers, and civil society representatives interested in or working on AI, with a background in data science, design, engineering, economics, humanities, law, management, social sciences or any other related field. A limited number of outstanding senior university students will be considered for admission.

Scope: The summer school program covers a wide array of topics concerning AI professionals, including sessions that address issues AI professionals are expected to face in the near future. Certain sessions will be tailored to the specific needs and background of different participants.

Participants will attend sessions on the following:

  • Introduction to Human Rights, Democracy, and the Rule of Law
  • Technical Background on AI and Fundamental Concepts
  • AI Governance
  • Global South Perspectives on AI
  • Introduction to AI and Human Rights
  • Human Rights Implicated by AI
    • Privacy and Data Protection
    • Freedom of Expression
    • Social Rights
    • Data Rights and Intellectual Property
  • AI, Discrimination, and Vulnerable Groups
  • AI and Surveillance
  • AI and Content Moderation & Curation
  • Human Rights Compliance In Practice: AI and Human Rights Impact Assessments
  • AI Regulation in Europe
  • AI Policy and Compliance
  • Perspectives from Civil Society and Private Sector Companies
  • AI and Creativity

There will be social hours and networking sessions throughout the training that will enable participants to get to know each other and have fun!

Speakers: Speakers are leading academics, researchers, policy makers, practitioners, and representatives from civil society, international organizations and companies working on AI, such as Alessandro Mantelero, Celina Bottino, Christopher Markou, Frank Pasquale, Emre Kazım, Gianclaudio Malgieri, Matthias Kettemann, Memduh Karakullukcu, Kyung Sin Park, Linnet Taylor, Reuben Binns, Urs Gasser, as well as representatives from Access Now, Council of Europe’s CAHAI, Danish Human Rights Institute, European AI Alliance, European Data Protection Supervisor, European Network Against Racism, Microsoft, Ranking Digital Rights, United Nations, and more.

Method: The summer school sessions are structured to make use of interactive presentations, Q&A, discussions, case-studies, and panels to ensure a participatory and efficient learning environment.

Why you should participate:

  • Unique and in-depth program that brings together theory and practice, technical and non-technical people, public and private sectors, and nonprofit entities
  • Diverse cohort of speakers and participants in terms of viewpoint on AI, background, expertise, and geography
  • Attaining hands-on knowledge and skills in an interactive environment and from an interdisciplinary and holistic perspective
  • Excellent opportunity to prepare for regulatory compliance
  • Chance to be a founding member of a diverse network of AI professionals and to attend the inaugural training of this network

Eligibility requirements:

  • Demonstrated interest or background in AI theory or practice (or related technologies)
  • Proficiency in English
  • Commitment to attend at least 80% of sessions in each week

Rules for participants:

  • Participants are expected to complete the readings assigned by speakers in advance and engage in respectful discussions during sessions.
  • Participants will be given access to recordings of sessions, depending on permission of speakers. However, participants are primarily expected to attend sessions and actively participate.
  • Participants who attend at least 80% of sessions in each week and submit the exam at the end of the summer school will receive a certificate of attendance.
  • Participants who have not attended at least 80% of sessions in each week by the end of August will be removed from the program.

Program (*All times are UTC+3:00.)

Keynote Address

Monday, August 2


The Digitization of Judgment

Frank Pasquale

Professor of Law, Brooklyn Law School; Visiting Scholar, AI Now Institute; Affiliate Fellow, Yale University Information Society Project

Wednesday, September 15


Realities of Transnational Regulation of Privacy and Elements of AI in National Surveillance Activities

Joe Cannataci

UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Privacy; Associate Professor, University of Malta

Inspiring Speech

Monday, August 2


Lex Ex Machina: From Rule of Law to Legal Singularity

Christopher Markou

Leverhulme Fellow & Lecturer, University of Cambridge Faculty of Law

Week 1: Introduction to Human rights, Democracy, and the Rule of Law in the Context of AI

This week will lay the groundwork for the following summer school sessions. These introductory classes will familiarize participants with the basics of human rights, democracy, and the rule of law in relation to AI. Sessions will be tailored to the backgrounds of lawyers (and those familiar with these topics) and non-lawyers.

Tuesday, August 3

11:00 - 13:00


Introduction to Democracy, Rule of Law, Constitutionalism, and AI (For Lawyers)

Valentina Rita Scotti

Post-doctoral Researcher in Comparative Public Law, Koç University Law School

Wednesday, August 4

11:00 - 13:00

Introduction to Democracy, Rule of Law, Constitutionalism, and AI (For Lawyers)

Valentina Rita Scotti

Post-doctoral Researcher in Comparative Public Law, Koç University Law School

Thursday, August 5


Introduction to Democracy, Rule of Law, Constitutionalism, and AI (For Non-Lawyers)

Valentina Rita Scotti

Post-doctoral Researcher in Comparative Public Law, Koç University Law School

Friday, August 6

10:00 - 12:00

Introduction to Human Rights and AI (For Non-Lawyers)

Işıl Aral

Assistant Professor of Public International Law, Koç University Law School


Introduction to Human Rights and AI (For Non-Lawyers)

Eren Sözüer

Lecturer & PhD Candidate, Istanbul University Faculty of Law


Introduction to Human Rights and AI (For Lawyers)

Işıl Aral

Assistant Professor of Public International Law, Koç University Law School

Weeks 2 & 3: Technical Background, Fundamental Concepts, and AI Governance

Throughout these two weeks, participants will attend sessions on the basics of AI from a technical perspective and learn about concepts such as bias, explainability, and transparency. In this context, participants will be introduced to how these concepts translate to the governance of AI.

Tuesday, August 10


The New EU Turn on AI Accountability: from the GDPR (in practice) to the AI Act (in theory)

Gianclaudio Malgieri

Associate Professor of Law & Technology, Augmented Law Institute, EDHEC Business School


AI, data protection and the proposed EU AI Act

Reuben Binns

Associate Professor of Computer Science, University of Oxford

Wednesday, August 11


A Brief Technical History of AI and the Key Innovations that have Driven Its Rise in Recent Years

Deniz Yüret

Professor of Computer Engineering, Koç University; Director, KUIS AI Center


Interpretability and Explainability of Artificial Learning Models in the High Dimensional Setting

Zafer Doğan

Assistant Professor of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Koç University

Monday, August 16


AI and Intelligent Interaction

Metin Sezgin

Associate Professor of Engineering, Koç University


How to Best Internalize AI: Organizational Considerations and Cultural Aspects

Cavit Yantaç

Customer Success Lead, Microsoft; Lecturer, Istanbul Bilgi University IT Law Institute

Tuesday, August 17


A Geometric Perspective on the Nature of Perception, Intelligence & Consciousness

Tolga Birdal

Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Computer Science, Stanford University


Why Companies Fail to Implement Good AI Governance Practices and What They Need to Do to Thrive

Ana Chubinidze


Wednesday, August 18


Algorithmic Audits

Emre Kazım

Research Fellow, University College London

Thursday, August 19


Google AI: Opportunities, Challenges, and Governance

Charina Chou

Global Policy Lead for Emerging Technologies, Google

Dan Altman

Public Policy Senior Analyst, AI & Emerging Technologies, Google

Week 4: AI & Human Rights, Democracy, and the Rule of Law and Global Perspectives on AI

This week will be focused on the specific relevance of human rights, democracy, and the rule of law to AI and how the implications of AI on these fundamental values. In order to ensure a holistic and diverse analysis, speakers representing various Global South communities will provide insights.

Monday, August 23


Human Rights Based Approach to Facial Recognition, Automated Content Moderation, and Algorithmic Affirmative Action

Kyung Sin Park

Professor, Korea University Law School


Seeing The Big Picture: Does AI Challenge The Conceptual and Normative Foundations of Human Rights?

Sue Anne Teo

Europaeum Scholar & PhD Fellow, University of Copenhagen Faculty of Law

Tuesday, August 24


AI Strategies and Human Rights in Latin America

Maia Levy Daniel

Director of Research and Public Policy, Centro Latam Digital

Wednesday, August 25



AI Governance in the Global South: The Indian Perspective

Jhalak Kakkar

Executive Director, Centre for Communication Governance at NLU Delhi


Artificial Intelligence and Inequality: An African Perspective

Jacquelene Mwangi

Doctoral Student, Harvard Law School; Fellow, Berkman Klein Center

Thursday, August 26


Brazilian AI National Strategy: Challenges and Opportunities


Carlos Affonso Souza

Director, ITS Rio


Celina M.A. Bottino

Project Director, ITS Rio


Democracy and AI: Designing a General Purpose Technology

Christian Djeffal

Assistant Professor for Law, Science and Technology, Technical University of Munich

Week 5 & 6: Human Rights Implicated by AI and Policy & Compliance

These two weeks will be a deep-dive into the human rights implicated by AI, such as privacy and data protection, freedom of expression, non-discrimination, social rights, and intellectual property. There will also be thematic sessions on vulnerable groups, surveillance by AI, and specific AI technologies, such as recommender systems. These sessions will be complemented by sessions on compliance and AI policy.

Monday, August 30



AI and Freedom of Speech

Matthias C. Kettemann

Associated Researcher & Head of Research Group, Alexander von Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft


AI and Migration Governance: Risks and Opportunities

Emre Eren Korkmaz

Lecturer in Migration and Development, Department of International Development, University of Oxford



From AI Bias to Algorithmic Discrimination

Thibault Grison

Doctoral Student, Sciences de l'Information et de la Communication, GRIPIC

Tuesday, August 31


Technology Is Not Neutral: Cases of Discrimination Across Europe

Juliana Wahlgren

Senior Advocacy Officer, European Network Against Racism

Wednesday, September 1


Platforms, Algorithms and Freedom of Expression

Paddy Leersen

Doctoral Student, University of Amsterdam Institute for Information Law


Artificial Intelligence Act Systems: What About Compliance with Sectoral Laws, Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights?

Mario Guglielmetti

Legal Officer, Policy and Consultation Unit, European Data Protection Supervisor

Thursday, September 2


Aligning AI with Justice: Whose Concerns Matter?

Linnet Taylor

Associate Professor, Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society


AI, Surveillance, and the Human Rights to Privacy

Ivana Bartoletti

Technical Director, Privacy and Digital Ethics, Deloitte; Co-founder, Women Leading in AI; Visiting Policy Fellow, Oxford Internet Institute

Saturday, September 4


Harmonizing AI and Digital Human Rights for Future Social Norm

Kohei Kurihara

Chief Executive Officer, Privacy by Design Lab, Kwansei Gakuin University



How Do IP Rights Interact With AI Technologies?

Işıl Selen Denemeç

IP & Technology Lawyer, Digital Transformation Office of the Presidency of Turkey; Representative of Turkey at the CoE CAHAI


Whose AI is that? A closer look into the AI components and the relevant legal entitlements under private law

Emre Bayamlıoğlu

Researcher, KU Leuven Center for IT & IP Law

Monday, September 6


Imagining AI Policy Under the Shadow of Great Power Politics

Memduh Karakullukçu

Chairman, Kroton Consulting; Founding Board Member, Global Relations Forum; Founding Partner, Kanunum.com

Wednesday, September 8


Fairness and Privacy AI

M. Emre Gürsoy

Assistant Professor of Computer Engineering, Koç University

Thursday, September 9


Regulating for Human Centred AI

Lachlan Urquhart

Lecturer in Technology Law, The University of Edinburgh


Artificial Intelligence:  How Can We Capitalize on the Benefits and Reduce the Risks?

Lee Tiedrich

Tech/IP Transactions Partner and Co-Chair, AI Initiative at Covington & Burling

Week 7: Human Rights Impact Assessments and AI

This week in particular, will provide participants with hands-on knowledge and skills to ensure rights-respecting AI: conducting human rights impact assessments (HRIAs). Participants will attend sessions on the logic, methodology, and practice of HRIAs in relation to AI.

Monday, September 13


Introduction to Human Rights Impact Assessments and Basics

Lene Wendland

Chief, United Nations Business and Human Rights Unit



Human Rights Impact Assessments and AI

Alessandro Mantelero

Associate Professor of Private Law, Department of Management and Production Engineering, Politecnico di Torino

Tuesday, September 14


Business, Human Rights, and the Internet

Michael Samway

President, Business and Human Rights Group

Wednesday, September 15



Human Rights Impact Assessments In The Digital Ecosystem – Differences and Dhallenges

Emil Lindblad Kernell

Human Rights and Business Adviser, Danish Human Rights Institute


Child Rights by Design for Data-driven Societies


Kruakae Pothong

Researcher, 5Rights Foundation; Visiting Research Fellow, Department of Media and Communications, London School of Economics and Political Science


Emma Day

Consultant, UNICEF; Affiliate, Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society; Edmund Hillary Fellow; Nonresident Fellow, the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab; Researcher, 5Rights Foundation

Thursday, September 16


Human Rights Impact Assessments: Methodology and Application

Salah Husseini

Director, Human Rights, Business for Social Responsibility

Friday, September 17


AI and Sustainability

Michèle Finck

Senior Research Fellow, Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition; Visiting Professor, LUISS University

Saturday, September 18


Child Rights Impact Assessment By Design and By Default


Leyla Keser

Professor, Istanbul Bilgi University IT Law Institute


Ayça Atabey

Researcher, Istanbul Bilgi University IT Law Institute; PhD Candidate, Edinburgh University; Research Assistant, Digital Futures Commission 5Rights Foundation; Consultant, UN Women

Week 8: Perspectives from Civil Society and Companies

In the final week of the summer school, participants will hear from civil society and private sector representatives working on AI. These sessions will provide insights into the significance of civil society in keeping technological development accountable and how companies are working to ensure AI technologies comply with human rights.

Monday, September 20


Microsoft's Responsible AI

Cornelia Kutterer

Senior Director, Rule of Law & Responsible Tech European Government Affairs, CELA, Microsoft


Two Years After the OECD AI Principles: Where are We Now and What’s Next?

Laura Galindo

AI Policy Analyst, OECD

Wednesday, September 22


How to Solve the Privacy Dilemma In An AI-Driven World

Batuhan Özcan

Chief Executive Officer, Syntonym


Fundamental Concepts in Artificial Intelligence: Beyond Buzzwords

Claire Vishik

Intel Fellow, Intel


Ethics and Political Correctness in AI: an International Approach

Fırat Gönen

Head of Data Science & Analytics, Getir

Thursday, September 23


Human Rights Shaping Innovation: Why Not All Tech Progress is Social Progress (Panel)


Francesca Fanucci

Senior Legal Advisor, European Center for Not-for-Profit Law

Daniel Leufer

Europe Policy Analyst, Access Now

Eleftherios Chelioudakis

Co-founder, Homo Digitalis


Deepfakes and AI-Manipulated Media from a Global, Human Rights Perspective: Hype, Harms and "Solutions"

Sam Gregory

Program Director, WITNESS; Co-Chair, Social and Societal Influence of AI Expert Group, Partnership on AI

Friday,  September 24


AI in Banking: How İşbank Is Implementing AI and RPA Technologies to Augment Employees

Sezgin Lüle

Deputy Chief Executive Officer, İşbank


Networked accountability mechanisms for a free and open internet: the role of civil society

Nathalie Maréchal, PhD

Senior Policy and Partnerships Manager, Ranking Digital Rights

Monday, September 27


Diversity Perspective on Use of AI in Law Firms

Can Sözer

Esin Attorney Partnership

Wednesday, September 29


AI First Law Firm

Yasin Beceni

Managing Partner, BTS & Partners;  Part Time Lecturer, İstanbul Bilgi, Sabancı & Boğaziçi Universities

Final Day

Thursday, September 30


Inspiring Speech: AI and Creativity

Ivan Magrin-Chagnolleau

CNRS Aix Marseille Univ, CNRS, PRISM


Closing Ceremony and Distribution of e-Certificates


Frank Pasquale


Joe Cannataci


Alessandro Mantelero

AI & Human Rights Impact Assessments

Ana Chubinidze

AI Governance

Ayça Atabey

AI & Human Rights Impact Assessments

Batuhan Özcan

Private Sector Perspectives

Can Sözer

Law Firm Perspectives

Carlos Affonso Souza

Global Perspectives on AI

Cavit Yantaç

AI Technical Background

Celina Bottino

Global Perspectives on AI

Charina Chou

AI Governance

Christian Djeffal

AI & Human Rights, Democracy, and the Rule of Law

Christopher Markou

Inspiring Speech

Claire Vishik

Private Sector Perspectives

Cornelia Kutterer

Private Sector Perspectives

Dan Altman

AI Governance

Daniel Leufer

Civil Society Perspectives

Deniz Yuret

AI Technical Background

Eleftherios Chelioudakis

Civil Society Perspectives

Emil Lindblad Kernell

AI & Human Rights Impact Assessments

Emre Bayamlioglu

AI & Human Rights: Data Rights and IP

Emre Eren Korkmaz

AI & Human Rights: Vulnerable Groups

Emre Kazim

AI Technical Background

Eren Sözüer

AI & Human Rights, Democracy, and the Rule of Law

Emma Day

AI & Human Rights: Vulnerable Groups

Fırat Gönen

Company Perspectives

Francesca Fanucci

Civil Society Perspectives

Gianclaudio Malgieri

Fundamental Concepts & AI Regulation

Işıl Aral

AI & Human Rights, Democracy, and the Rule of Law

Işıl Selen Denemeç

AI & Human Rights: Data Rights and IP

Ivana Bartoletti

AI & Surveillance

Ivan Magrin-Chagnolleau

Closing Speech

Jacquelene Mwangi

Global Perspectives on AI

Jhalak Kakkar

Global Perspectives on AI

Juliana Wahlgren

AI & Human Rights: Discrimination and Bias

Kohei Kurihara

AI & Human Rights

Kruakae Pothong

AI & Human Rights: Vulnerable Groups

Kyung Sin Park

AI & Human Rights

Lachlan Urquhart

Fundamental AI Concepts & AI Regulation

Laura Galindo-Romero

AI Governance

Lee Tiedrich

AI Policy & Compliance

Lene Wendland

AI & Human Rights Impact Assessments

Leyla Keser Berber

AI & Human Rights Impact Assessments

Linnet Taylor

AI & Human Rights: Social Justice

Maia Levy Daniel

Global Perspectives on AI

Mario Guglielmetti

AI & Human Rights: Privacy and Data Protection

Matthias Kettemann

AI & Human Rights: Freedom of Expression

Mehmet Emre Gürsoy

AI Technical Background

Memduh Karakullukçu

AI Policy & Compliance

Metin Sezgin

AI Technical Background

Michéle Finck

AI & Human Rights

Michael Samway

AI & Human Rights Impact Assessments

Nathalie Marechal

Civil Society Perspectives

Paddy Leerssen

Recommender Systems and Content Moderation

Reuben Binns

Fundamental Concepts & AI Regulation

Salah Husseini

AI & Human Rights Impact Assessments

Sam Gregory

Civil Society Perspectives

Sezgin Lüle

Company Perspectives

Sue Anne Teo

AI & Human Rights

Thibault Grison

AI & Human Rights: Discrimination and Bias

Tolga Birdal

AI Technical Background

Valentina Rita Scotti

AI & Human Rights, Democracy, and the Rule of Law

Yasin Beceni

Law Firm Perspectives

Zafer Doğan

AI Technical Background


  • Application form
  • Motivation letter of max. 500 words explaining background or interest in AI practice (Please indicate if you wish to be considered for a discount on the summer school fee. A limited number of outstanding candidates will be considered) 
  • CV (2 pages max)
  • The application deadline is 26 July, 2021


  • For researchers: 400 Euros
  • For employees of non-governmental organizations and public sector representatives: 600 Euros
  • For other professionals: 800 Euros (corporate discounts available)

This fee includes all the classes, course materials, and events, access to the online learning platform, and an e-certificate of attendance.

Successful applicants from LDC countries will receive a discount of 150 Euros.

For questions: itlaw@bilgi.edu.tr

Invoice Info:

Name and Last Name of Participant
Name of person/institution to be invoiced
TCKN (for Turkish participants)/ Tax No

Bank Info:

Unvest Araştırma Geliştirme ve Danışmanlık A.Ş.
YapıKredi Bankası Koç Üniversitesi Şubesi

  • TL Hesap : TR920006701000000053681249
  • EUR Account: TR610006701000000053656975
  • USD Account: TR840006701000000053637646

Social Events

Throughout the summer school, there will be virtual social hours, networking sessions, and cultural events that will enable participants to get to know each other and have fun between classes.

At the beginning of the summer school, a mixer will be organized to enable participants to get to know each other and the summer school team. Towards the end of August, a networking event will be held. On the final day, a final social hour will be organized, during which certificates of attendance will be distributed.

Organization Committee

Leyla Keser Berber

Deniz Yüret

Mehmet Bedii Kaya

Eren Sözüer

Ayça Atabey

Bilge Kaan Güner

Zeynep Ülkü Kahveci




Platinum Sponsor

Premier Sponsor


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